Produce Electricity.
Save Money
Residential solar solutions to meet your energy demands
What you'll get with us
Our mission is to deliver value to our clients through high quality services
  • Quality
    We ensure that the materials used reflects our commitment to providing our clients with a fast, reliable and cost-effective system without compromising on quality
  • Experience
    Our experience managing all types of complex projects means we will handle every detail to get your system up and running. Our team are CEC certified and regularly trained to provide the most current solutions to our clients
  • Service
    We seek to understand the needs of our clients. From start to end, we consult with you to ensure that the system designed is suited to your needs
  • No Jargon
    You deserve to have your questions answered in plain English. Our team will clearly explain what is happening, so you understand the ins and outs of your system
  • Flexibility
    Our service philosophy is proactive, not reactive. However, should your needs change ahead of install we can redesign and change the approach
  • Efficiency
    We pride ourselves on our ability to deliver comprehensive system designs to our clients quickly. We'll book you in and get your system up and running in no time

$0 Upfront. No Deposit
Are you looking to reduce your power bill but can't front the cost of getting solar? We can help you finance the upfront cost and the system is paid off in 5 years. You reap the benefits now.

- $0 Upfront
- Save up to $1,000 per annum
- $5,000 saving over the term of contract
- Complimentary maintenance check-up mid contract
- Live performance monitoring via our online tool

Real time monitoring
As well as helping you capture energy from the sun, we'll set you up with the right tools to make the best use of it.

We use the latest technology to provide you a series of smart tools so you can measure, manage and monitor your energy demands and solar energy savings in real time, 365 days a year.
Product Quality Guarantee
We use industry leading products built to last a lifetime
Let's get you started

0447 776 950

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Or you can call us yourself:
+61 447 776 950